Don and Callie
A Love Story

Let me begin by saying that LOVE can be found on the internet. Our story and many others prove that. But caution and good common sense should be used with online romances just as you would with face to face ones. Getting to know a person takes some time. We all know it is easy to get carried away online. Sometimes people over state themselves, having the safty of anonimity online. So take your time and as the old saying goes "If it seems to be to good to be true, it probably is".

Don and I met in a chat room in October of 1998. I had searched high and low for a good chat room where people of both sexes were friendly and the purpose was not to pick someone up or cyber talk. I finally found one that suited my tastes and found many good friends I still talk to, to this day. One night Don popped in for the first time. He had just gotten a webtv and was searching for a chat forum. The first things that attracted me to him was that he was funny, witty and seemed lost out here in cyber space. He seemed sencere, open, and was really fun to chat with. In our nightly chats I came to find we had many things in common. We were both cat lovers, liked the same music, loved roller coasters, religious and political views were simular, and our humor blended so well. I knew from almost the begining that he was someone I wanted to know better. After chatting daily and emailing each other for sometime we took the next step and talked on the phone. AHHH those long talkes on the phone were wonderful. We got to know each other better and better with every one. We exchanged gifts at Christmas and wrote snail mail to one another. At the begining of Feburary 1999 we decided a face to face meeting was what we both wanted. So on the 11th I flew to Tampa Florida to spend Valentines with him. I was pretty nervous on the flight. Would he like me? Would I like him? Would we mesh as well in person as we did online? I told myself that if for any reason I felt things were not "right" I would just catch the next flight home. The airport is a pretty safe public place to meet someone so I figured I was OK with that.

When I got off the plane and saw him standing there waiting for me I knew right then and there he was for me. He showed me a wonderful time while I was there. We went to Orlando to Universal Studios and had a blast. We also went to Busch Gardens in Tampa and indulged in our shared passion for roller coasters. It was the most comfortable and wonderful time I had in a very long while. I found him to be the most caring, considerated, and mannered man I had ever met, a real gentleman in every way. When Sunday came and it was time for me to fly home all I could do was cry the entire day. I knew after meeting him that I would miss him terribly. But I had to get home to go back to work.

After that things moved pretty quickly. I couldn't be happy being so far away from him so in April 1999 I moved to Tampa to be with him. We lived there together until August. I was offered a better position with my old employer and so we both moved back up to Jackson, Mississippi. We stayed there until March of 2000 when we decided that we would like Tampa to be our permanent home. Dons mother lives here and his brothers and sister live in Florida as well so it seemed a good choise. Once again we packed up and moved. I had thought there for awhile "moving person" was to be my new But we are finally settled in to a very happy life here in Tampa.

Now the BEST news. We are going to be married October 28th. It has been two years since we met "online". I feel I am the most blessed woman on earth to have found such a truly good man. We have never had a fight in all this time and each day is better than the last. Now we are starting life and a home together with my 13 year old daughter and our two fur kitty kids. So as I said in the preface to this story LOVE can happen over the net..It happened for US.

An update. It has been 4 1/2 years since our wedding. The time seems to have flown by. Things for us are better each and every single day. We figure the $100.00 we each spent on our webtv's was money WELL spent. The webtv has long since been replaced with computers but it will always fill a special place in my heart for it brought me the love I had always been looking for.
